Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week 10 Tech Tip: Blogger Template.

I probably should have done this tech tip towards the beginning of the semester, but I finally figured out how to change the background on my blog! Throughout the semester I've seen someone beautifully designed blogs with all sorts of colors, pictures, and high-tech customization. I kept thinking to myself WHOA! How did they do that? Well here I am browsing through the tech tip challenges when I noticed the blogger template assignment. It was right in front of me the entire time! I just changed the background of my blogs to one of the templates provided by blogger. Now my blog has a bunch of books in the background. Maybe it will make me look intelligent and knowledgeable of the world around me (not really). For those of you who haven't changed your blogger background and would like to, it's really easy! The instructions are easy to follow from the tech tip list. It took me a minute to change everything. Maybe in time I can learn how to customize my own template!

Learning everyday. Source.

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