Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 7 Tech Tip:

For this week's tech tip, I decided to explore (another quotemaker website). It was a simple website. You can either copy or paste the quote that you want or just type out the quote yourself. It will then ask what kind of format you'd like to create such as Facebook cover photo, Pinterest picture, Twitter cover photo, and much more. I decided to choose the Pinterest format since it made my quote look like a poster. After choosing a format, the website will automatically choose a font, background, and color, but of course you can change it to your liking. I changed my poster a couple of times until I found a combination that appealed to me. Below is the finished product.

There is more than what meets the eye. Personal photo by
I decided to use this quote because it happens too often that we judge people based off of their appearance when in reality there is more to a person than their face and body. I know several people that struggle with body image (myself included) and others who aren't taken seriously because their looks. It appears that our eyes actually blind us instead of giving sight.

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