Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

As I look at the second half of the semester, the best strategy for me is to work ahead whenever possible. Although I try my best to do the posts early, I usually finish the week's work and stop there. Something that I would like to try a little differently is to try to do as much work as possible until I reach my goal which is to finish early (perhaps around week 11). At the beginning of the semester, I was overwhelmed by the number of weekly assignments. Sometimes I didn't understand the directions and other times I forgot to do assignments (thank goodness for the grace period). For the second half of the semester, I need to be more aware of due dates and how they conflict with my exams for other classes. Exams tend to take priority so I end up concentrating on studying which leads to missing assignments for my online classes. On a positive note, I'm looking forward to completing more growth mindset challenges. Not that I don't like the other assignments, but I really enjoy learning more about growth mindset. I'm planning to complete multiple challenges at once so that I can complete weeks of extra credit in advance. Surely this will help me complete this course early.

For my writing skills, I'd like to work on descriptions. I've done a lot of monologues and dialogues, but now I'd like to focus on establishing a setting through description. In order to improve my writing style is to take careful notes of the reading's descriptions on setting. So for future readings, I'd like to take more notes on settings.

I can't believe it's already halfway through the semester. Where did the time go?

To the finish line! Source.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, first of all I hope your midterms went well! I can tell just by reading your reflection posts that you are very serious about your studies, so I’m sure you did great! I can also tell by scrolling through your blog that you are already ahead on the assignments for next week and are meeting your extra credit goals as well!
