Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 10 Reading Diary B: Shiva

For part B, I read Nivedtia's other book that talks about Shiva. Shiva was described as the Great God that is holy and all powerful. He was benevolent and rarely angry (which is surprising to me because one of the first stories that I read about Shiva, he killed all the gods out of rage). Shiva accepted praise in the form of pure water and leaves or flowers. His purpose in the world was to rid ignorant souls and to shed light on Earth. Nivedita described Shiva as an omnipotent being that was protects those who are truly and sincerely devoted to Shiva. There are two concepts associated with Shiva, knowledge, and.insight or Jnanum.

Sita was described as the perfect wife for Shiva. Sati represents purity and goodness. The word Sati means being and existence, meaning in her being exists only goodness. The story went on about how Sati's father resented his daught and son-in-law (Shiva). Sati then died due to her anger towards her father. Shiva became depressed and angry with the gods once again. Interestingly, Sati was reborn as Uma. She became the daughter of a king who never resented her, instead he loved and accepted Uma. Uma still yearned for the Shiva's love and praised him.

The goddess Sati. Source: Deviant art.

1 comment:

  1. This was an awesome image choice to depict Sati. After reading your storytelling assignment for this week, I think I might have to do some more reading about Shiva and Sati. It sounds like you got a lot out of your reading! I’ll have to check back in next week to see what else happens to these characters! Thanks for sharing!
