Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reading Diary B: Sita Sings the Blues Part II

I finished the film! There were some weird scenes of a dancing lady and a dancing skeleton which reminded me of someone taking LSD with a bad trip. Something I don't quite understand is the backstory with the girlfriend and boyfriend. He moves to India, and he's being weird towards her which leads to their break-up. I guess it can relate to Rama and Sita since Rama rejected Sita after rescuing her. One thing that really made me laugh was when the narrators commented on Sita's pregnancy with "They joined the mile high club!" That was priceless! In the online version of Ramayan, I don't remember reading that Sita was pregnant. This film also shows that Rama banished Sita from the kingdom while she was pregnant because he was afraid that her reputation would discredit him as being a respectable king. I find that really ridiculous. Another scene that makes me chuckle was when the narrators were arguing about how Sita's unconditional love towards Rama. The male narrators did not understand why she kept praising Rama, but then the female narrator explains unconditional love to them. The film was quite entertaining! I did enjoy watching it.

Scene from Sita Sings the Blues. Source


  1. I also watched the film as my assignment for week 4. I thought it was probably going to be really interesting because of the images that came up when I researched the piece, and I was right! I also found out a lot of information that I didn't realize was true while I was reading the Ramayana the first time (such as Sita's pregnancy). As for the story of the modern day couple, it was actually the story of the person who made the film! She was basically telling the audience why she had chosen to take on the project and how she connected to Sita in some aspects of the film.

  2. Nicole, I so thoroughly agree that Rama freaking out over Sita potentially being unfaithful ridiculous. It wasn't even that she might have been unfaithful, but that other citizens thought he was weak for taking her back! I'm gonna have to go back and watch Sita Sings the Blues, because everyone I've heard write about it has seemingly enjoyed it, and I think it would be a great watch!
